Body Pains and Migraines

For years I had some major shooting pain in my hips, neck, and lower back that would often cause migraines. Sometimes the pains would be so severe that I had great difficulty working and with driving! I found myself taking Excedrin and Tylenol regularly. Multiple friends of mine suggested chiropractic care.

 I was skeptical, but I trusted them so I figured I’d be hopeful and give it a try. My tensions were put at ease as I entered the positive environment of Dr. Keith’s office. He always ensures that I am well educated on what he is doing and why, and I know that as my doctor he is truly listening to me.

Since I have been under regular care, I have stopped having the sharp pains and I rarely find myself in “crisis mode” anymore! I love that Dr. Keith is flexible to work at meeting my needs, and also that he carries a great concern for my wellbeing! He truly works with me on every possible aspect to ensure that I can get the best care and be in my best health!



Insomnia with Low Back Pain

 For years I could not sit or stand at all without experiencing chronic lower back and shoulder pain. I also suffered from persistent insomnia. I had been to   physical therapy, but it did not give me true relief at all.

At first, I had a few doubts about chiropractic care; however, I was comforted in how warm and professional Dr. Keith and his practice was. After being under chiropractic care, I no longer have pain and I am able to sleep through the night! Overall, chiropractic care has given me a better life and wellbeing!



Adult Asthma and Allergies

 For years I suffered through severe lower back pain, and occasionally my neck would be so stiff I felt like a soldier. Any amount of time I spent in the car for more than 30 minutes would result in days of medications to ease the pain and stiffness. I also never had a time in my life I can remember where I did not suffer from asthma and allergies. I figured that everyone suffered from health problems and it was just a part of life, so I never saw doctors to try to solve my issues; instead I just took medications hoping for some ease. I was on all kinds of medications including Singular, Claritin, Wellbutrin, Concerta, Nasonex, and occasionally even Advair and Albuterol.

I was skeptical about chiropractic care at first, not understanding how it could actually work to help me. Well, I found myself amazed! Dr. Keith’s intuitiveness to ask the perfect questions and persona that helped me relax and trust in his care led to my pain greatly being reduced! Soon after that, I noticed that the asthma and allergies were getting better too!

I brought my son in to see Dr. Keith. He too suffered from asthma and allergies, and even experienced attention deficit issues… but since he has come under chiropractic care, he has gotten better too!



Pregnancy and Family Care


 Dr. Keith has been taking care of the family for over 3 years now and we have seen significant changes in our health! Some examples of the changes are as follows: my son has not had any issues with his asthma for the last 3 years. My kids have not been sick and the only time they go the doctors has been for their yearly exams!

This past year Dr. Keith cared for me during my 3rd pregnancy. (My pregnancy was considered high risk because of my age of 41.) Well, due to consistent chiropractic care, I had no major issues! As a matter of fact, my last delivery was a better experience than the other two! I had a natural birth and delivered the baby within 10 minutes of arriving to the hospital! And neither my son nor I received any medication during our stay! I contribute all of these things to my chiropractic care plan and Dr. Keith.

On the behalf of our family, we like to say "Thank You" to Dr. Keith and his staff for guiding us in a healthier longer life. We consider our doctor as family and we look forward to seeing him every week!


Menstrual Issues and Low Back Pain

 For years I have struggled with lower back, hip, neck, shoulder, and foot pain as well as acid reflux and an inconsistent menstrual cycle. I sought relief through physical therapists, an obstetrician and even medications; however, none fixed the problems I suffered with on a regular basis.

When I first came into Dr. Keith’s office, I wasn’t sure it was for me. My obstetrician had told me that I was in menopause, so I had just come to terms with it. However, after just 2 months of chiropractic care, all of my aliments seemed to disappear! My menstrual cycle returned, the acid reflux stopped, and my back, neck, and hip were all pain free!

Today, I have total trust in chiropractic care and I am committed to my personal care plan for life long wellness!


Child Asthma and Allergies


My son, who is now 14, suffered from a plethora of allergies, asthma, and sinus issues. He was on a lot of strong medications on a regular basis. He took Singular, Claritin, Astelin, Nasalcrom, Nasonex, Albuterol, Advair, and even   regular allergy shots!

Relying on pills was no way for a child to live! However, after being under consistent chiropractic care, his overall health had greatly changed! After a year of being under Chiropractic care, I took my son back to the allergist for full diagnostic testing. His results were all negative! No signs of allergies!! It was such a surprise that they even applied histamine to check that the test was valid. Now, he no longer takes any of those previously mentioned medications!

When I started with Dr. Keith, I knew absolutely nothing about chiropractic care. Now, I find myself in awe of the heightened quality of life that it has provided for my family and me. Not to mention the huge amounts of money I have saved! I never get sick anymore, and I even work in a school where sickness and germs are rampant! I always recommend Dr. Keith and chiropractic care to people I see suffering. It is just the best option for Chiropractic care!

 High Blood Pressure

For years before coming to Dr. Keith’s office I was stressed out, tensed up and unable to relax and let go of the day.  My mind was constantly racing.  This took its toll on my physical wellbeing forcing my blood pressure up at times.  My primary care doctor prescribed blood pressure medication.

Then a friend recommended that I see Dr. Keith.  It was immediately apparent that Dr. Keith is genuine and has a call on his life to lead and care for people. The day after my FIRST adjustment I had a checkup with my primary doctor and my blood pressure was back to a normal 120/84!

Now I recommend chiropractic to all of my friends who are suffering and I know that there are 3 thing needed for health: Normally working Nervous system, normally working Digestive system and Good food!  That's It!  And there is no one I trust more than Dr. Keith to keep my Nervous system at its best!


Leg Numbness and Depression

I first came to Dr. Keith for pain and numbness in my lower leg that was so bad I could barely walk.  The office was very welcoming and a safe place, as well as professional.  After one adjustment with Dr. Keith my foot pain immediately improved. Dr. Keith took the time to teach me about the connection between the spine, the nervous system and the rest of the body; it made a lot of sense.  

Since being educated on chiropractic, I have also sought care for sinus problems, low back pain, and an underactive pituitary gland causing low testosterone, depression and anxiety. My medical doctors had me on Zyrtec, Flonase, Clomid, testosterone injection, Zoloft.  Now I ONLY use Mucinex on the rare occasion that I have sinus issues (that are not taken care of with an adjustment), and I am on the lowest dose available of the Zoloft.

When I first came to Dr. Keith, I was extremely skeptical, but all those doubts have been overcome by the results I have experienced.  Now my whole family and a number of friends that I have referred all get regular care in Dr. Keith’s office.  I also believe chiropractic played a big part in healing my daughter from a life-threatening dairy   allergy. 

Dr. Keith truly cares about his patients as people and devotes himself to helping them!!! (Plus, he’s really funny and tells great stories)


Knee and Foot Pain

 For a year and a half before starting care I lived with unrelenting knee and foot pain. I was forced to take Advil several times a week for the pain.  When I was first told about chiropractic it sounded interesting and non-invasive. 

The office is a friendly, welcoming environment. Dr. Keith is ALWAYS welcoming and loving. He really cares about improving people’s health and quality of life. I saw very fast improvement of my knee and foot pain; it was almost gone after a few weeks.  I am making great progress and I have been able to manage the pain effectively. 

I am feeling better and sleeping better than I have in years. I also noticed that I have not been sick, even with a cold, since starting care at Dr. Keith’s office.  Before, I would get a cold every few months.


Asperger’s and Migraines

 For years I have suffered from migraines and Sinusitis, as well as chronic congestion. I also have been diagnosed with Asperger’s.  I have generally remained in poor health for many years. I have been to neurologists and physical therapists, but had not received continued relief. I basically stopped caring how I felt feeling like it was never going to end.  

Out of concern for me, my mother introduced me to chiropractic care. I knew that being under chiropractic care would help, but I was really doubtful that I needed it every week. However, I trusted my mother’s advice that Dr. Keith and my care plan would help, and went forward with it anyway.

I noticed that when I was being adjusted regularly, I was not getting migraines as often or as severe. I also noticed that I didn’t seem to need my Risperdal anxiety medication for Asperger’s! I also noticed that my congestion was much improved and that an adjustment could actually help drain my sinuses! I still injure myself every once in a while, and when I do- Dr. Keith is there to help!

Dr. Keith personality drew me in and made me feel comfortable under his well-educated and personable care. His office staff is also well versed in the proper techniques and it is obvious that he takes great pride in education and skill development for him and all of his staff.


 Neck Pain with Low Back Pain

 For years I have struggled with lower back pain. Then, I was in a car wreck that caused me to have neck pain as well. I am a believer in ‘the power that made the body heals the body,’ so I did not want to be on medications that would hinder that progress. At times, my pain was crippling!

I sought out the help of physical therapists, orthopedics, and neurologists, but it is chiropractic care that I believe has really made the team effective in getting me well! I have always believed in chiropractic, but it was finding the right practitioner that made all the difference!

Dr. Keith listens and truly cares about each and every one of his patients. A doctor I saw previously was not attentive to my needs and I would leave his office in more pain that I entered with. It is an honor to know that my doctor is not just giving to me, but also to his community with sincerity and care.

Today, my symptoms are completely manageable without medications! I am able to get a good night’s rest; whereas before the pain and discomfort made me unproductive and sluggish!


 Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family

For years I battled with pain from chronic bursitis. I sought treatment from a physical therapist, which lessened the pain, but did not eradicate it. Then I was in a car accident which aggravated my bursitis and left me with ligament damage in my neck.  Initially, the neck pain was so intense that it impaired my daily function.  I sought the standard medical treatment and was prescribed pain killers and muscle relaxers, which was not a long-term solution.

I had my doubts about chiropractic. I was raised with a traditional medicine only mindset, but I wanted a long-term solution to my problem and was willing to try something I was unfamiliar with when I was not satisfied with the traditional medical approach. Dr. Keith was very personable, compassionate, gentle and helpful. He patiently answered my (many, many) questions, even when he had to go find the answers elsewhere, and he eventually became a good family friend.

When I began care, I had some immediate pain relief for my neck, which continued to improve over a few months. After about 1 month of care, I noticed my bursitis no longer bothered me even when I did things that had formally aggravated it. Since starting care and modifying my diet, I have stopped taking the muscle relaxers and pain medication for my neck, and have ceased taking allergy medications as well.

Now my husband and two children are both under care and have benefited greatly. My daughter began care at 3 years of age after learning that she has some mild hearing loss following a car accident. She no longer has any hearing issues, and both of my children are seen for general health.

Dr. Keith is very good at what he does and uses a variety of techniques in order to devise the most effective treatment for each patient. He has taught us that chiropractic is about removing interference which promotes health instead of just merely alleviating symptoms. Being under care with Dr. Keith has helped out my family in so many ways!


A Safe Place even for those with PTSD

 At the urging of a friend, I came to Dr. Keith’s office as a last resort before quitting my job and applying for disability. My top complaints were non-stop headaches/recurring migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica, and difficulty breathing. Some of my other symptoms included being unable to walk across the room without pain, inability to chew my food, inability to walk up stairs without gritting my teeth and holding my breath, and inability to get a good night's rest. I cannot remember that time I was without pain, ever. On a pain scale of 0-10, I frequently experienced pain at a 15 and considered a 6 to be a good day!

I also suffer from complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and overwhelming physical and emotional trauma. In Dr. Keith’s office I found that my PTSD history was not overlooked or considered irrelevant as it had been by other practitioners! Instead I found that the glimpses into my past that I choose to share were both safe and enabling. Dr. Keith listened and applied his chiropractic skills to receive further insight into developing a personal chiropractic treatment plan.

I was impressed by the careful attention to detail throughout the assessment period, and the way Dr. Keith continues to consult and train with other Doctors to stay on the cutting edge of research, practice, and technique. Due to this, I am able to make better decisions for my life.  
Under the care of Dr. Keith, my quality of life has improved, I have been able to remain gainfully employed, and my baseline level of energy has risen by 10%! I ‘bounce-back’ more quickly and effectively from challenging days and I am now able to participate in more activities that I enjoy! My headaches and migraines are reduced. There are less of the extremely high pain days, my sleep disorder has lessened, and the sciatica is gone!!
I have been under consistent care for the last six months and I can testify that the changes have been significant all around… however, the most for me is that I now hope and support for continued spinal recovery, something that I had not found anywhere else.